VS Code 初始化的時候出現 Cannot find Arduino tools. Use Arduino CLI bundled with this extension instead? 要如何處理?

"安裝 Arduino Extension for VS code 時,如果遇到 “Cannot find Arduino tools. Use Arduino CLI bundled with this extension instead?”錯誤訊息。



    1. Arduino: command path -> 保持為空白
    2. Arduino: path -> 保持為空白
    3. Arduino: Use Arduino Cli -> 勾選“Use Arduino CLI installed instated of the legacy Arduino IDE”
    4. 重新啟動 VS code

============ ENGLISH =====================

When install Arduino Extension for VS code, if you encountered "Cannot find Arduino tools. Use Arduino CLI bundled with this extension instead?" error message. Try this to fix it.

Steps to fix:

    1. Arduino: command path -> leave it empty
    2. Arduino: path -> leave it empty
    3. Arduino: Use Arduino Cli -> tick "Use Arduino CLI installed instated of the legacy Arduino IDE"
    4. Restart VS code


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