
Showing posts from November, 2023

Arduino #39 使用 u8g2 庫在 SSD1306 OLED 上動態繪製骰子 (Draw dynamic dice on SSD1306 OLED with u8g2 library)

  Hi, welcome to this week's Weekend project with Stonez56. This week is Arduino Episode #39, "Drawing Dice Dynamically at 0.96" OLED with u8g2" This video is suitable for people who want to learn how to draw patterns on SD 1336 LED. === IMPORTANT NOTICE === Do you want to generate u8g2 UTF8 font for your own Arduino projects? Try this online web tool I created @ Just 3 easy steps to get UTF8 Arduino codes for your projects! Try it today!! === NOTICE === In the previous episode, I showed audiences how to use the accelerometer to draw dynamic dice in APP inventor 2. People who are interested can click this link to watch. (App Inventor Episode 11: https: //     • App Inventor #11 Write your own App (...   ) The next video is planned to transfer the dice points from App Inventor 2 to the OLED on ESP32 for display in real time. In this way, we can learn how to communicate from mobile App to ESP32. Stay tuned! References: * u8g2 font refer

VS Code 初始化的時候出現 Cannot find Arduino tools. Use Arduino CLI bundled with this extension instead? 要如何處理?

"安裝 Arduino Extension for VS code 時,如果遇到 “Cannot find Arduino tools. Use Arduino CLI bundled with this extension instead?”錯誤訊息。 請嘗試以下方法解決此問題。 解決步驟: 安裝 Arduino-CLI 版本 參考這個文件 直接下載Mac OS 64bit: 直接下載Linux 64bit: 直接下載Windows 64bit:   下載後在 Terminal 下測試安裝是否成功 >arduino-cli version arduino-cli  Version: 0.30.0 Commit: 83700ca2 Date: 2023-02-08T14:48:15Z (OK) 從 VS Code 菜單中選擇 檔案 -> 偏好設定 -> 設定 在使用者和工作區設定中 Arduino: command path -> 保持為空白 Arduino: path -> 保持為空白 Arduino: Use Arduino Cli -> 勾選“Use Arduino CLI installed instated of the legacy Arduino IDE” 重新啟動 VS code ============ ENGLISH ===================== When install Arduino Extension for VS code, if you encountered "Cannot find