3D Printer Dampening Feet Noise Test

10 times less noise!

I just purchased my Creality Ender 3 Pro and after modified the HW(will write what I have modified later) and turning, turning, and more turning. It finally worked well after a month.

Many people in the Facebook group discussing what parts could self-print to upgrade.  One of them was the dampening feet to reduce noise. I tested the noise level in dB with Google Science Journal APP. The test duration was 31 seconds with PLA, 0.2 layer high, 100% infill.  Please see the results below.

 My Testing Results

In my test, Dampening feet reduced about 11 dB* about 10 times less noise! This is quite amazing!

However, few people in Facebook groups mentioned that there might be other disadvantages, such as wobbling when printing tall objects and these feet might broken easily.  

* A sound 10 times more powerful is 10 dB.
* A sound 100 times more powerful than near total silence is 20 dB.
Source: How stuff works

Print with Dampening Feet

Test Duration: 31 seconds
Average: 22 dB
Max: 37 dB
Google Science Journal App recorded the noise level

I have printed the same Dampening feet to get the more accurate noise level.

See the printing of a Damping feet in action (With Dampening feet)

Print without Dampening Feet

Test Duration: 31 seconds
Average: 30 dB
Max: 48 dB
Google Science Journal App recorded the noise level

The noise was recorded during printing the Dampening Feet.

Download .STL files

All the .STL file can be downloaded from Thingiverse.com
Original design was from Ender 3 Damping Feet by redmaxver

The one I downloaded  and tested was Ender 3 Complete Dampening Feet by rhin0xx
rhin0xx combined all 8 components together saved me some troubles.

The End



我剛剛在對岸淘了一台 Creality Ender 3s (和3 Pro是同一機種),參考了網路上建議修改了一些東西(我之後會寫一篇我改了那裡的文章)之後就一直調整,換零件,又換零件,一直不斷的調整。大約一個月之後,它終可以正常的列印了。

Facebook上有許多人都在討論哪些部分可以自行3D列印來升級這台印表機。其中一個討論很多的是減震腳,它可以減少噪音。我用 Google Science Journal APP 測試持續時間31秒再觀查它的噪音值 dB。我是用原廠的 PLA, 0.2 層高, 100% infill。測試結果請參閱下面說明。


我的測試結果顯示,減震腳減少了大約11分貝(dB, 減了10倍音量)*  !這讓我太訝異了!

* 10倍的音量是10分貝(dB)
* 100倍的音量是20分貝(dB)
資料來源: How stuff works


測試時間長度: 31秒
平均噪音: 22分貝 dB
最大噪音: 37分貝 dB
Google Science Journal App 來記錄噪音值


我列印同一個物件來測試 加減震腳噪音



測試時間長度: 31秒
平均噪音: 30分貝 dB
最大噪音: 48分貝 dB
Google Science Journal App 來記錄噪音值


下載 .STL 檔案

全部的 .STL 檔案均由 Thingiverse.com 下載
原始的設計者 Ender 3 Damping Feet by redmaxver

我下載及列印的是 Ender 3 Complete Dampening Feet 由 rhin0xx 所修改的
rhin0xx 把 8 個物件全部放在同一個檔案內,比較方便列印。



  1. Thank you! I agree -- these are shockingly good!


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